Cloud Based Service Bricks Architecture for Ambient Assisted Living System


Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) technology will play a prominent role in home care when the 65 and older age group doubles to 40 % of the US & EU population by 2050. Driven by these ongoing demographical and social changes in these countries, there is a huge interest in IT-based technologies and services that will enable independent living of people with specific needs. AAL offers a solution for caring for this section of the population both efficacious and cost-effective. In order to pave the way towards adequate AAL system architecture and overall software solution approaches, this paper will (i) briefly present architectural styles of AAL systems with some of the problems they face, (ii) describe service bricks architecture of AAL project eWALL and, (iii) discuss the software technologies used to solve some of the common problems of such systems.


  • Georgi Balabanov
  • Krasimir Tonchev
  • Pavlina Koleva
  • Agata Manolova
  • Vladimir Poulkov


EAI International Conference on Future access enables of ubiquious and intelligent infrastructures (FABULOUS), 2015.



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