The Teleinfrastructure Research Laboratory (TeliLab) is a substructure of the faculty of Telecommunications at the Technical University of Sofia. It was established in 2014 as a result of the successful “eWall” project.
Our researchers are experts in a variety of areas, such as computer vision algorithms, machine learning, digital signal processing, mixed reality telepresence, spectrum sensing, cognitive radio networks, resource allocation, radio signal processing, etc. TeliLab’s research force is currently focused on problems related to Computer Vision, Computer Graphics and Next Generation Wireless Communications. We have high impact factor publications in leading world journals, as well as renowned conferences.
Management Body
Affiliate Researchers
Agata Manolova
Affiliate Researcher
Georgi Balabanov
Affiliate Researcher
Nicole Christoff
Affiliate Researcher
Nikolay Neshov
Affiliate Researcher
Pavlina Koleva
Affiliate Researcher