Attribute-Based Encryption

Attribute-Based Encryption


In today’s world data is growing enormously. With the advancement in data, there is need of effective data security mechanism to handle this stored or transmitted information. This necessity introduced science of cryptography. Being an effective cryptographic system attribute-based encryption (ABE) became hot topic of research among the researchers. ABE is a kind of public key cryptography system. It uses ciphertext and private key of user for the encryption purpose. This scheme hooked up ciphertext with attributes (e.g., e-mail id, country name) which ensures high level of protection. This ABS scheme ensures data confidentiality and exclusive access policy. This chapter studies basic ABS system followed by brief introduction of few popular algorithms like Public Key Encryption, Public Key Infrastructure, and Identity Based Encryption. It also enlightened two major types of ABE, i.e., Key Policy-ABE (KP-ABE) and Ciphertext Policy-ABE (CP-ABE). Finally, it is concluded with security model of ABE with its comparative popular schemes.


  • Ankita Karale
  • Vladimir Poulkov
  • Milena Lazarova


EAI/Springer Innovations in Communication and Computing, 2021, pp. 225–242


